Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
il y a une semaine, je vous ai proposé le Toeic Challenge 27, un exercice inédit d’explication de texte Toeic, tel que vous pouvez le rencontrer au cours de la seconde moitié de la partie 7 de l’examen du Toeic.
Pour retrouver les documents et les questions qui leur étaient affiliées, veuillez cliquer sur le Toeic Challenge 27.
Avant de vous fournir la correction de cet item Toeic, notez que la correction commentée dont vous allez prendre connaissance suit les mêmes modalités que celle que vous retrouverez dans le Pack de préparation au Toeic que vous pourrez télécharger à compter de la moitié du mois de septembre.
Voici donc l’exercice d’explication de texte comprenant un “passage double”:
thank you for reading this email that I have just sent to all the personnel in the company. It has to do with the wireless device conference that is to take place next week in Birmingham.
The company has agreed to pay for transport by coach, which implies driving there on your own will not be necessary. We have rented two coaches that will leave the car park of our Birmingham premises early in the morning. Since getting to the venue requires a mere 45-minute drive including the potential traffic jams, we ask you to be ready to board one of the coaches at 7.30, knowing that the first lecture starts at 8.45 sharp. Based on this tight schedule, you easily understand we will not be able to wait for latecomers.
We are planning to get back to the morning meeting point around 7.45 pm, which will leave you enough time to relax at your hotel before the evening gala dinner.
Hotel accommodation has been reserved at the Crown Palace, Birmingham. Please note that we have made it clear that all delegates should have their own rooms. However, should you not be interested in having single rooms, please let us know whether you prefer a double or a twin. Moreover, if you decided to make such a decision, don’t forget to mention who you would like to share your hotel room. That would definitely make our work easier!
I’ll be booking the coaches on Tuesday morning (7th November) and pay a deposit for accommodation two days later.
Don’t hesitate to contact me by mail to pass me on any relevant information or if you have any queries or problems.
Bill Miscage
Dear Bill,
I am writing you now since I was on paid leave for two weeks and didn’t get to read your email until this morning. I hope you haven’t booked the accommodation yet. I won’t stay at the Crown Palace since I intend to visit my grandmother and my godfather who both live in the suburbs of Birmingham.
Furthermore, because of the little time I can devote to these visits, I definitely prefer using my company car instead of riding the coach. Again, let me know if this decision should affect in any way the plans you made for that special day.
Finally, I’d like to know whether there is a dress code for the gala dinner. If yes, could you provide me with more details about it?
Brenda Jacobs
1. Who was the initial email sent to? a. Brenda Jacobs b. the delegates of this upcoming symposium c. Bill Miscage d. The Crown Palace employees Mr. Miscage makes it clear that his email is addressed to all the people who are going to attend the forthcoming conference. This is explicitly mentioned in the first two paragraphs. The correct answer is b. 2. What happened to Brenda Jacobs? a. She was out of town. b. She was on a business trip. c. She was out of work. d. She was sick. Here, you need to refer to Brenda Jacobs’s email in which she mentions she was ‘on paid leave’, meaning on vacation. The only acceptable answer is consequently answer c. 3. Which of these statements is not true? a. Brenda Jacobs is one of Bill Miscage’s coworkers. b. Brenda Jacobs will be very busy but she intends to attend the conference. c. It will take at least three-quarters of an hour to get to the conference hall. d. The delegates don’t have much of a choice between single and double or twin rooms. Here, the answer can be found in the second paragraph of Bill Miscage’s mail where he states that ‘getting to the venue requires a mere 45-minute drive including the potential traffic jams’. Therefore, it will take the delegates three-quarters of an hour at most (not at least) to get to the venue. Since the three other options are all correct, answer c has to be chosen. 4. What is the conference theme? a. Electronic and electric technology b. DIY tools c. Computer science d. Cybersecurity This piece of information is quite explicitly expressed on the first line of Mr. Miscage’s mail where it is said that the event is a ‘wireless device conference’. Therefore, the right answer is answer a. 5. The word “to devote” is closest in meaning to: a. to reward b. to dedicate c. to get d. to save Here, it is strictly a vocabulary item that can be solved by taking into account the context of the verb ‘to devote’, that is to say, the second paragraph of Brenda Jacobs’s mail.
Voilà pour les réponses de cette explication de texte Toeic.
Je profite de cette occasion pour vous rappeler que La Cour de l’Anglais Facile – LE site du Toeic met tout en oeuvre pour vous aider à améliorer votre niveau Toeic.
A ce titre, chaque semaine est publié un numéro du Toeic Challenge, notre dispositif de révision des items du Toeic.
Si cela ne suffisait pas, notez que La Cour de l’Anglais Facile – LE site du Toeic vous propose l’Atelier Toeic, un atelier de préparation au Toeic Listening and Reading via Skype dont vous pouvez retrouver les modalités dans la rubrique mes ateliers Toeic. Alors, contactez-moi vite à pour améliorer votre anglais commercial et général!
Sachez qu’en plus de la Consultation Toeic personnalisée, il existe également l’Atelier de Grammaire Toeic pour celles et ceux qui voudraient travailler spécifiquement la grammaire anglaise du Toeic, à savoir les parties 5 et 6 de cet examen.
La grande nouveauté réside dans la tenue d’un Atelier Toeic à Paris qui aura à nouveau lieu pendant tout un week-end à la fin du mois de septembre 2014. Retrouvez toutes les infos concernant l’Atelier Toeic Paris ici!
Enfin, si vous ne voulez rien rater des nouveautés du site et bénéficier d’une fiche-ressources exceptionnelle recensant mes 10 sites préférés de révision de l’anglais général et du Toeic, rien de plus facile! Abonnez-vous à La Cour de l’Anglais Facile – LE site du Toeic en vous rendant sur la page d’accueil et en remplissant le petit formulaire situé à droite de l’image centrale.
A très bientôt!!
Cyril de La Cour de l’Anglais Facile – LE site de l’explication de texte Toeic 😉
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